Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Homemade Quark Cheese

1.      4 cups pasteurized full cream milk
2.      1/2 cup buttermilk,curd or 1/4 cup vinegar
1.      Mix milk and curd or vinegar, stir well cover.
2.      Set for 12 hours in warm place or  until the curds and whey separate.
3.      Dampen a clean tea towel and use it to line a sieve. Place the sieve over a basin.
4.      Pour the curds and whey into the strainer. Bring the tea towel together so that it covers your quark and do it up with a rubber band.
5.      Place the entire draining apparatus in the fridge.
6.      Allow to drain in the fridge overnight, or for 24 hours.
7.      The drained quark should have a consistency similar to sour cream, but it has a more sour taste.  
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