Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Chilli Navy Beans Soup

1.      4 to 5 tomatoes
2.      1/2 carrot
3.      1 cup navy beans presoaked and cooked
4.      1/2 cup chopped capsicums
5.      1/2 cup chopped onion
6.      1/4 cup chopped tomatoes
7.      1 tablespoon chopped garlic
8.      1 tablespoon butter or olive oil
9.      2 teaspoon sugar
10.  1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder
11.  1/2 tablespoon corn flour
12.  1/4 cup milk
13.  Salt to taste   
14.  Tabasco sauce to taste
15.  Grated cheese to garnish
1.      For the stock chopped tomato and carrot and cook it in the pressure cooker.
2.      After cool completely churn this mixture in food processor.   
3.      Then strain with a fine sieve.
4.      Heat the oil or butter in pan; add the onions, garlic and capsicum.
5.      Sauté for 2 to 3 minutes or until tender.
6.      Add in the beans, tomato-carrot stock, salt, sugar and chili powder.
7.      Simmer for 7 to 8 minutes over medium heat.
8.      Mix the corn flour and milk and add to the soup.
9.      Now add chopped tomato and cook for 2 minutes. 
10.  Garnish with grated cheese and tabasco sauce.
11.  Serve hot. 
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  1. Your soup looks yummy Daksha.. Thanks for sharing dear :-)

  2. Sounds very tasty and delicious!!!

  3. Looks delicious and colourful too

  4. The Bean soup is nice and wonderful recipe. Thanks. ClickNorth Indian

  5. The chilli navy beans soup sounds like a robust and hearty soup. Love the flavours.

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