Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Paan Kulfi

What is Pann?.... Pann is often served wrapped in a betel leaf, Betel chewing is a part of many Asian cultures. In Gujarat, in fact in the whole of India, Pann is must after lunch and dinner. Paan has been playing an important part in social life and customs for hundreds of years. In the courts of Medieval Rulers, the betel leaf or pan was offered as part of hospitality, friendship and love. Paan is not only a flavor burst in the mouth but the leaf aids digestion. The gulkand - rose leaf preserve is a coolant, and the fennel seeds act as a breath freshener.

This pann / betel flavor kulfi (Indian Ice cream) it’s really easy and  tasty…. 
For 8 kulfi:
1.      1/8 cup gulkand 
2.      1 tablespoon good quality meetha paan chutney
3.      1 small betel leaves chopped
4.      1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
5.      1 pint or 2 + 1/2 cup evaporated milk/unsweetened  condensed milk
6.      1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
7.      1/2 cup whipping cream 
8.      Rose petal
1.      Combine the gulkand, betel leaves and pann chuthey very well.
2.      Put both milk and cream in blander and bland until smooth.
3.      Add in this mixture cardamom powder and pann mixture, mix very well.
4.      Pour this mixture into kulfi cones or popsicle mold.
5.      Keep them in the refrigerator for till set.
6.      Garnish with sweet and colorful fennel seeds and rose petal than serve.     

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  1. Where can I buy Kulfi cones in Ban Chang/Pattaya ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You can buy from Pattaya Tesco, Big C or Central and in Banchang "Pinak".

  2. Oh this paan flavour in kulfi sounds exotic ..amazing....

    Hamaree Rasoi

  3. Woww.. looks super delicious and tempting.. thanks for sharing dear :)
    Indian Cuisine

  4. Hi Daksha! I've never had Indian ice cream, but from all the Indian desserts I've tried, I bet these are yummy! Love that my favorite cardamom is in it! ;-)

  5. This looks so so good and the flavors are amazing. Would love to try this. So perfect for summer.

  6. wow delicious..

  7. Oh this is lovely. I love pan-flavoured frozen stuff.

  8. This sounds like an interesting treat!

  9. Interesting idea :) Thanks for stopping by and leading me to your lovely blog - Following you dear - would love to see you follow on my blog too :) cheers, priya

  10. Interesting blog. Don't understand some of the words (gulkand) but hope to learn more about asian cuisine.

  11. Very innovative recipe Daksha..thanks for visiting my blog and ur nice comments..
    m ur another happy follower now...B my friend http://varietyisthespiceofyourlife.blogspot.com/

  12. Super tempting kulfi, looks so delicious.

  13. wow!very delicious and so flavourful kulfi..a must try..bookmarked:)

  14. Thanks a lot for stopping by and leaving your heartfelt thoughts. your few words are My energy boosters so plz feel free to share your thoughts........

  15. Hi Daksha, you have a lovely blog. Can you tell me what is Paan Chutney? Does it go by another name? Can you buy it ready made or is this something you make? Thanks!

  16. Hi Alpa, thanks for visit here...... paan chutney is mixture of paan masala like lovely masala, sali supari & gulkand ext. yes it's ready made.
