Friday, January 28, 2011

Milk Sweet / Milk Peda (Doodh Penda / Rajkot na Penda)

* 1 cup milk powder
* 1/2 cup whipping cream
* 1/2 cup sugar
* 1/4 cup milk
* 1/4 tsp cardamom powder
*Ghee (clarified butter)

* Mix all Ingredients in microwave safe bowl.
* Cook in the microwave for 3 minutes, stirring very well after every minute.
* Take it out and stir well than put again for 1 minutes.
* Mix well again and leave aside for the mixture to cool down about 20 minutes.
* Cool down enough to handle and look like thick paste.
* Grease your hands and make balls and flatten them to shape. 
* Decorate them with any your favourite design, name or any nuts or raisins .
* Let the pedas set and cool down about 7 - 8 hours in room temperature than serve..
*  From this mixture you can make 10 to 12 pedas.
* Add saffron color or saffron and enjoy saffron kesar peda.

You can make this peda on the stove as well  that time mix milk powder and cream than cook in heavy bottom pan in medium heat about 6 to 7 minutes, stir constantly.....  until mixture is dry and thick...after cool compliantly  this mixture add sugar and mix very well.and give shape. 

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  1. How lovely! Something I would definitely like. We have a lot of milk sweets in the Philippines and it is a taste I really like. I will try making this as I love cardamom.

  2. This looks like an amazing dessert. Does it just melt in your mouth? I love the designs in it. Thank you so much for passing the recipe along!

  3. I like your blog so Im giving you Stylish Blogger Award!
    More info in my blog.

  4. Dear Medeja
    Thank you very much for honoring me with this award!!!

  5. Thanks Adora's Box & The Mom Chef for your comments , yes It was delicious and it just melt in your mouth ...

  6. i'm here finally. i have whipping cream powder and milk powder...voila. shouldn't i be trying this??

  7. Hi there daksha!

    My name is Steve Walters and I recently started blogging at, which is currently being updated with recipes, but in the next few months will be my vehicle for covering the food and restaurant scene in Bangkok Thailand.

    I am now in the process of meeting as many food bloggers as I can and I found your site recently and was pretty impressed. I've added your site to my Foodie Blogs list here: and would also like to add you to my blogroll.

    If you could add my site to your blogroll and write back to let me know it has been added (foodie [at] I will add you to mine as well and the exchange would be greatly appreciated!

    As you might imagine I am very excited to get moved to Bangkok and get started on covering the food scene there as I feel it is an area that isn't well covered by English speaking bloggers. I plan on adding loads of great reviews, pictures and even video and will be holding contests as well. It should be fun, entertaining and informative for everyone that visits.

    Thank you so much in advance for adding me to your blogroll and I look forward to reading your posts (I've subscribed!) and maybe even featuring some of your own posts as I do plan on a weekly roundup of Thai themed recipes and posts from other food bloggers.

    Warm regards,

    P.S. If you are on Twitter I would love to have you as a follower and I follow back:

  8. Glad to see your blog getting popular. Akta makes this kind of panda and we like it very much but now that we are watching our sugar level carefully we try not to make it at home because it is hard to resist. This is really quick and good recipe. I will send link to my friends.

  9. First time at your lovely space...loving every bit of recipe. Pedas are yummy.... !

  10. Thanks Steve for adding my blog in you Foodie Blogs list ,I will too add your blog and will update you once its done. i will also add more Thai veg. Recipes.

  11. @ Rekha Sindhal Thanks Aunty , Yes its very easy and quick recipe.

  12. @ Sonia Thanks for visit my space ...

  13. @kitchenmorph I never tried Whipping Cream Powder but you may try this ,it will come out something New Recipe. if you use Cream powder you may need more milk for texture.

  14. Daska:
    Thanks for accepting me in Foodbuzz. This milk sweet might be great for coming Valentine gift by just adding some pink coloring right? :-P

  15. Very original?

  16. @Yin Thanks for visit my space , yes u can use this recipe as valentine gift by adding some pink or red color ....

  17. This looks so wonderful. I love the addition of cardamom.

  18. Thanks beth for ur lovely words.

  19. Thanks a lot for stopping by and leaving your heartfelt thoughts..your few words are My energy boosters so plz feel free to share your thoughts...Hope you will Visit again :)
